330ml Of Blue Ocean Leadership: Coca-Cola And PepsiCo Case

What is Blue Ocean Leadership? Recently, we introduced you to Blue Ocean Leadership with our analysis of the Starbucks Case. If you have missed it, check it out here: https://ezyspark.com/blue-ocean-leadership-the-starbucks-case/ To recap, Blue Ocean Leadership (BOL) is a systematic leadership approach that focuses on leadership acts and activities at each level of an organisation. BOL is […]
Coffee Break with Blue Ocean Leadership: The Starbucks Case

A “Sip” of Leadership Leadership, in essence, can be thought of as a service that people in an organization either ‘buy’ or ‘don’t buy’. As well as a banker, an entrepreneur, a farmer, every leader has his own customers: his followers, who need a guide to achieve the high standards required in every company. If […]
Embracing Ikigai: A Journey to Purposeful Living

Writing reflections from selected books I read has become a cherished ritual for me. Recently, a friend of mine borrowed me a book I had been thinking of reading for quite some time — Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Ken Mogi. After watching the Blue Zone on Netflix, I […]
Learn to be disliked to be happy

Hey there, fellow knowledge ezy-sparker! As the co-founder of a learning platform, my journey has been all about growth through soaking up knowledge like a sponge. I love reading books and in the last decade, I have been reading mostly non-fiction books and self-help with some recent add-ons of fiction books to improve creativity and […]
3 reasons why young professionals should waste time building a tech start-up

Creating a tech start-up from scratch is brutal. Building your own start-up is actually the best thing you could do, especially if you are in your 20s. You will be able to learn so much that you won’t regret it. I started late at the age of 34, after a few experiences in corporate in […]